Thursday, August 25, 2011

DOS Exclusive: Rani Ononye's 21st Birthday Party @ Rozzay Lounge Abj.

This Bday party has been the talk of the town ;Abuja for some days now! The date was the 20th of August, the nigth before Rani's birthday. Venue was the Exquisite ROZZAY LOUNGE Where all her young Elite friends came toghter to party with her and wish her all the best in life as she celebrated her Bday.
The party was not a small one, i felt MTV should have covered it for their show "My super sweet 21 or is it 16", which ever lol! Some minutes to 12 midnight Rani arrived in a white limos with 6 of her close girl Friends,"No be small tin the gals hot die" bottles started popping! Ofcos i was there to Cover it and bring you Exclusive photos. Here they are, enjoy!

Rani Ononye

PHOTOS BY Stephanie Anucha, Duke and Osaz.



WOW.......... Rani i really missed oooooooo
great party i must say.

don.orji said...

only one pix with Nedu in it??? said...

9ice party. Wish I ws there.